Isle of Wight School Trips

Artist ED Squirrel

/ Isle of Wight School Trip Subjects / Art & Design

Art & Design focused Isle of Wight school trips

Supporting Art & Design students through inspirational and practical (applied) examples of the subject via a range of quality venues and local businesses. The Isle of Wight offers a broad range of options for studying and practising applied art and design, fine art, graphic communications, use of textiles and photography.

Our FREE Art & Design resources

You may utilise any of our pre-visit, on-site or post-visit resources once you book your Isle of Wight school trip via Education Destination.

10 Art & Design Learning Opportunities on the Isle of Wight

Come on an Isle of Wight school trip with Education Destination, and take advantage of these learning opportunities alongside having FUN!

Isle of Wight school trip learning opportunities
  1. Advertising in Edwardian and Victorian times

    • Would you like an ideal opportunity to share with the students of today how adverts and brochures began to develop with the advent of mass travel in Victorian times, and how it has evolved through time? Considering not just the design, but also the language used? The Steam Railway is like a huge time capsule, full of materials from times gone by.

      Location: Isle Of Wight Steam Railway
      KS2 Upper resource ideas
      KS3 resource ideas
      KS4 resource ideas

  2. Discover Paleoart

  3. Seascapes as 3D paper sculptures

    • Inspired by the works of Sarah Bridgland and Sarah Morris, observe various seascapes on your Isle of Wight journey - this could include natural features such as harbours, spits or cliffs, or man-made features such as marinas, buildings, boats or ships - then back at school develop 3D paper sculptures thereof.

      Location: Red Funnel Ferries
      KS2 Upper resource ideas

  4. Artistic interpretation of trees

    • Consider how popular artists such as Hockney, Klimt, Cezanne, van Gogh, Monet, Rembrandt and Constable interpreted trees as part of their landscapes and practise ones own techniques considering composition, shade, tone, colour, transitions, layering, light and texture.

      Location: Goodleaf Tree Climbing
      KS2 Upper resource ideas
      KS3 resource ideas

  5. Write to persuade - themed advertising campaigns

    • Blackgang Chine is the UK's oldest theme park, and has lots of themed areas within, from fairy-tales to dinosaurs, traditional hedge mazes to thrill rides. Using the park and existing materials as stimulus, challenge students to come up with new advertising campaigns.

      Location: Blackgang Chine
      KS2 Upper resource ideas

  6. Use of heritage textiles in a period setting

    • Visit a traditional upholstery workshop to discover how different heritage fabrics are utilised in different carriage classes on different trains. Study form and function as well as complementary design features including the use of woodwork and fixings.

      Location: Isle Of Wight Steam Railway
      KS5/Adult resource ideas

  7. Mondrian Magic

    • Consider the non-representational abstract style of Piet Mondrian and find inspiration in real-life. We've started you off with the suggestion of container ships but there are many more examples out there to help develop a wide range of techniques including the use of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.

      Location: Red Funnel Ferries
      KS1 resource ideas
      KS2 Lower resource ideas

  8. Abstract ArtisTREE

  9. Considering camouflage

  10. Persuading others - an advertising challenge

Study Art & Design on your next Isle of Wight school trip!

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